Monday, October 4, 2010

God's Bathroom Floor

One of the things I love about a live show is when the musicians personalize the show a little bit for the audience. What I mean I guess is when they do a whole different version of one of their songs. Its obviously easier when you're taking a rap song from a DJ's beat and deciding to go with a live band version of it. But still. I have seen Atmosphere do this song live with a DJ ( in Chicago so now every time I hear this song it reminds me of our trip out there back in 2006- best show I have ever seen to date, and the rest of the trip was awesome. Padres sweeping the Cubs, Hugo's asian buddy, 3 forms of ID requirements, L & G's, the cool waiter at the Espn Zone... getting lost on the way back to the hotel for a bit, rockin shorts and flip flops in cold ass weather and then getting completely drenched when I walked into a puddle,the gay cab driver who ran outta of gas and made us miss our flight home and took a whole 5 bucks off the fare... ) and with a live band (LA, SD)  and still havent been able to decide which version I like better. The original version has this sweet Jazz sample and the song is way more mellow.
Anyways on Thursday, Brian, Nick, and me were at some bar in Rancho Bernado when we ran into the Mayor of our City. The city being Santee. The Mayor being Randy Voepel. Hell of a guy. Knows how to party. Couldnt convince him to hit up a strip club with us though. Haha " No school shootings since Randy Voepel been in office..." haha the asshole comments we make sometimes. After ward we hit up the usual spots in Poway, bar tender at Patricks was excited that they now served the tequila from Entourage and gave us a shot of it. It gets pretty blurry after that though, Nick disappeared and I ended up hanging out with this Sushi Chef. All I remember is that I thought he was like some type of artist at one point and that I discussed the writing process and my aspirations to write a collection of short stories one day. Somehow we ended up hitting denny's (sadly in my drunkeness I forgot my self imposed ban on eating there) . Never had met before but apparently he was highly amused with my antics. He drove a white lowered honda or something and I actually fell on my ass trying to get out. I just remember him needing to get me up. We talked about a whole myriad of shit his sushi business, writing, and god knows what else I just know we were at denny's for a long while. I must have had like 5 cups of coffee. Anyways he ends up giving me a ride back to Nick's. Except Nick went to bed and locked the door. I told him I guess its sleep in my car time. But he decided he would just take me all the way back to Santee. wtf? I told him it was cool its like a half hour drive and he really didnt need to do that. But he insisted. Random right? Guess he just wanted to continue a conversation with a drunk man.

Saturday, Hugo decided for his birthday we should all get together and attempt to play some softball. Wow did our softball team playoff aspirations take a real hit. Yeah its sad when the best player is a ten yr old. D did have a nice basket catch, Brian had a nice celebration after he made a play, Wes had a nice head first slide,  Kurt hit the worlds worst triple, and I bill bucknered a ball at first. haha D also hit into the slowest double play ever. The rule of having to finish a beer at third base before being able to score was hardly used until the later innings. Seriously a 1-0 game 6 innings deep? haha. The rest of the day and night and early sunday morning was spent at Hugo's. Good times. I owe Pilar 6 bottles of wine I guess. Drinking wine with Hugo is highly entertaining. He turns into the biggest male chauvinist ever " Hey Don't piss off the Baby!" so I always try to get some wine in him when we're drinking. Two more of you turned 32 this weekend. Welcome to the glory. The liver worked some heavy OT this weekend. So it will be taking the next week off. I have also decided to put my alarm clock back to use. Hopefully the fear of the sound of an alarm clock buzzing at 7am will help me get to sleep.

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