Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Slug - April

"Um Dadda?"


"Where's your table?"

"um well, I dont have one. I dont spend too much time at home and when I have dinner I usually eat dinner standing up..."

" where do you eat?"

"Why do you eat standing up?"

"Because I get tired of sitting all day...."


And thats how the best week Ive had since moving to phoenix started. See, my kids came and stayed with me for spring break last week-not to say all the majestic magnificent people I have met here havent been great entertainment, they have- but honestly my kids are just cooler. Sorry, I hadnt seen them since February and while I dont say it aloud, it really sucks. Sundays when I'm by myself I spend alot of time thinking about them so for them to spend a whole week with me means the world. The weekend they were here we went to Tucson and Tombstone for the weekend where Issam pointed me to an aerospace museum that had alot of cool things from the blackbird to an f-14 to a moonrock, to the hight light for me, The airforce 1 that President Kennedy and Johnson rocked. The next day we took a day trip to Tombstone, a place I have always wanted to go to if only to yell;

"you tell em Hell is coming with me!"
" NO!, No! No!"
 to get that you would have had to seen Tombstone the movie with Kurt Russell... Anyways if youre cool enough you'll be getting mail from there.

Anyways, it was cool that we got to do vacation things while they were here, but the best part for me was the typical things a parent gets to do with their kids, coming home from work to them , cooking them dinner, and just sitting there relaxing and watching them be kids. the normal routine a parent has with their kids. I don't get to cook for people that much and while I'm not a spectacular chef (but Roy youre an arrogant bastard that does nothing but gloat about everything you do! calm down team I know I cook better than 99.9% of you I just felt not to detract from the feeling of being with my kids)

On Saturday I had to take them to the airport and see them head out of my life again, which sucks, so much in fact this monday I had no will to work and just wanted to sit back and think on the week I just had. I have realized that its gonna take a good amount of money for me to stay in this town so far away from my kids especially if I cant get to see them monthly. That led to me rebelling for a day against my job. But today I woke up and realized I need to keep doing an awesome job being the greatest insurance professional ever to grace the industry, so I went to work.I gotta alot shit done and true to the way things work around here, I had planned on hitting the gym, but in the afternoon I got a text from Issam inviting me over for steak and beer, and well being an American and living in America I couldnt pass it up...

I have also realized that I havent blogged in a long ass time and during the same time I havent blogged I also havent been going to the gym as much as I should. So I decided that 1) I'm awesome and you all must have certainly missed living vicariously through me , and B) When I blog I workout. so this here is the start of me blogging again. while this one may have been an average blog for me (but at the same time the greatest blog you have read in a while), it is only just the start. I cant promise it will be filled with my great drunken stories-though I know which one I will relay in tomorrow blog that will make you wish you were with me again,- it will be filled with my life in this sleepy town in the desert. Los Angeles and San Diego, I may not be there for you to feel complete, but hopefully this blog will ignite you with hope that one day in the near future you feel the greatness that is my presence.

April- because its atmosphere, and its april. Also the Padres start slow in april but you watch they will win the west or my name isnt gustavo sanchez from apt 4b.

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