Thursday, October 14, 2010

saafir - light sleepers

So I just got back from poker- I've cashed 3 times in a row now. Funny how much better I am when I play sober. I didn't win it all today, I came in second. But anyways more importantly, I have a logistics issue right now. I am doing laundry because I have to head up to LA tomorrow for 3 interviews. One in Glendale, One in Cypress and one by LAX. I also have an interview on Friday somewhere up there- I think Glendale as well. Dunno have to double check the itinerary. It starts with 9 am in Glendale, then an 1130 by LAX, and finally a 2:30 one in Cypress. The Cypress one is really the most important one because I have already passed the exams and an interview. I figure this one should be the final one. They also told me to be prepared to stay there for like 2 hours. The Glendale one is for a position in Fresno actually. I applied for this position back in May. I remember because it was the last thing I did (apply for this spot) in the morning before heading off to Hugo's cruise. They just now replied. They were again originally looking for someone with a degree, but haven't found a person. I think it has to do with Fresno the city, but anyways me having done everything the job qualifications required minus the degree, they finally gave me a call. Or so the Company's recruiter says. I'm really just gonna use it as a tune up for the one in Cypress. Now I just need to figure out if its possible to get from Glendale to LAX in 45 minutes or less. Haven't bothered checking but I don't want to know really. I am also figuring that I need to leave by 530 this morning to make it in time to Glendale. But I'm doing laundry. Maybe I should have left tonight, but I had money to win. The Irony in all this? I'm fucking beat.I would be sleeping by now if I hadn't forgotten to do laundry. So a rare night where I would have gone to sleep around midnight is turning into a night where I might get 3 hours of sleep if I'm lucky. I can't do those 5 hours energy drinks either. Last time I had one, I almost died. I was trying to help Joel move, but I ended up on the sidelines for most of it. So I'm leery of even trying to have another one of those especially when my day is gonna be action packed.

So seeing as I have to wait for my laundry, I am just busy right now listening to some Pete Rock and Cl Smooth to get ready for the show next weekend. I have never seen them- they actually broke up back in the 90's and have just recently rejoined forces. Later next week I will throw up their classic hit T.R.O.Y....

Since Saturday I have gone up Cowles Mountain 4 times. Thats a 3 mile jaunt round trip. I also have gone 5 days of doing the hills cycle on the elliptical for 4 miles. and ran another 5 miles on the treadmill. also have played basketball for 3 of them days. Oddly my body doesn't feel too bad right now. So that's 35 miles I have traveled not counting the basketball. Which was my goal. Yesterday I didn't think I was gonna accomplish it, but I actually did and it feels pretty good. I dunno I figure I could sit here and listen to music or exercise and listen to music. Its also been an impressive run of 10 days that I haven't drank. Which will come to an end tomorrow regardless of how the interviews go. Why? either in celebration or in lament I figure. Hugo wants to go up Cowles mountain Saturday so we'll see if that holds true. Normally I wouldnt have bothered typing this shit up but seeing as I have nothing to do, I thought I share what I have been doing this week... I think the wash cycle is done so I am off to throw the load into the dryer.

Light Sleeper, by Saafir. because I dunno how much sleep I'm getting tonight.

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