Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dr. Octagon - I'm Destructive

Sometimes I just wanna listen to some completely ridiculous shit. Dr. Octagon definitely qualifies. I have been working on my desktop today and thats where the majority of my music is. It had been a while since I had sat down in front of this one well because a laptop is just more convenient. Although I did read an article late last night about how the heat from the laptop can actually damage your skin or some shit. Dunno was dozing in and out of sleep to actually pay attention to it. You know a lot of times I just sit here when writing these and I have no clue where I am gonna take it. Tonight is one of those nights- Where I wanna write something but haven't figured it out yet. So until then you'll get this filler. I am sure if you skip to the next paragraph you'll find it more entertaining... I had to change the album- only so much Dr. Octagon I can handle in one sitting. half the album was good this time. Some Juice it is. Oh yeah I did decide to send in an article or my attempt at one into the reader. Checked their website and they allow for you to submit one with some specific shit that they are looking for so I decided to go ahead and do it. Don't know what will happen to it and don't really care it's not like someone- especially a novice would automatically peak their interest on the first try and actually make it. I figure I will try it a few times and if nothing happens I'll just realize that this writing thing isnt for me. One of the things they didn't want was a weekly column so that's kind of lame. I think my style would be more fitting in that type of format- people would need to grow into gettting my type of writing I think and don't think one article I write can stand on its own. But whatever I wrote it up in between re writing my resume and applying for jobs so its not like it really took anything extra out of my day. I did get to thinking about what type of book I would write. In the past I figured it would be a more cohesive version of this blog, maybe without the song and movie titles. I've been here 32 years and have plenty of stories of drunkeness and other plights and think the target audience would be the college age kids who actually read outside their curriculum - all 15 of them- and some people around my age group. Anyways I figure it at the minimum would be something productive to do while waiting for the next interview.

I also signed up to volunteer at the San Diego History museum. I just heard back from them and haha its another thing I have to apply for. I have to do a cover letter and send in my resume and everything. I just wanted to go in there and stuff some envelopes or dust some artifacts. But whatever I don't see why I shouldn't. Still waiting to hear about tutoring kids with jailed parents though- which would be more in line with what I would like to be doing.

Back in 2006 I went to Pennsylvania. A friend of mine at the time was born and raised in Johnstown PA. A book and story that has always fascinated me is the story of the Johnstown flood- way before I had ever met her. David McCullough wrote an excellent book on it. He also wrote an excellent book on the Brooklyn bridge, but I digress. Anyways we used to have a set of Reader's digest abridged books and that was one of them. For some reason I read it multiple times throughout high school. Anyways The town is located 2 hours east of Pittsburgh and I was gonna go to a Padres game while I was there so I decided I would finally get to go see this town, whose story for some reason I had read multiple times. Prior to 9/11 it had been the worst disaster with regards to lost lives. I think some 2000 people died. I won't bore you with the history knowledge but back then it was a major producer of steel and was located in a valley. on an adjacent hill, a lot of the rich people at the time like Mellon, Carnegie, and them built some pretty bad ass houses and made that area into a fishing club for their summer use. They built a lake on this hill by stopping a river with a shitty dam. Then during heavy rains the dam gave way causing the flood. I just found a journal she bought me to write some shit about her hometown and State. She also wrote me some things throughout the book. Some of the shit she wrote in it is funny as hell. She also has the least legible writing for a girl. Can barely make out what she had to say back then. I am really into history and this trip was all about me seeing some historic sites. Checked out Mt Vernon- George Washington's home, that was some feeling walking in the house where such a historic figure once walked around. Hit up Gettysburg and a bar there that had been a house during the battle. It still has the bullet holes. I couldn't get over the fact that people still lived and worked in the same homes where such historic shit went down. Washington DC and Ford's theater where Lincoln was shot. The house across the street where he died. It's a ridiculous thought to me that there most likely are people that live so close to such places and have never bothered to check them out.

You know what's also cool? is driving around in places you've never been and stopping in a one street town to have a beer. you definitely stick out like a sore thumb, but its always an easy way to meet people you would never otherwise meet. Plus they get a kick out of some one from San Diego being there. I would have to find the business card of the bar I stopped at and played some pool with the locals there (and where I threw some atmosphere on the jukebox) to figure out the name of the town. I remember just after a day of hanging out in Gettysburg, I just got in the rental (the life time ban would come in a later trip) and drove down this two lane road out of town. I stopped and a church that had been built in the 1700's for a bit to check it out, and continued on until I came into a town after maybe a mile the town ended so I turned around, found the bar and strolled in. Probably the only Mexican for miles. To me it's interesting to go into a situation like that and just people watch- try to get what these townspeople are all about. I was still young enough that I got carded and the CA license usually starts the conversation in these towns. The what the hell am I doing there, am I visiting someone? Not passing through because no one passes through this town, why would a Californian pick PA to vacation in... so on and so forth. The other small town in PA I did this was a town called Gallitzin and pretty much the same thing happened.

She titled my journal "Roy's fucked up, rambling, incomprehensible, thoughts" kind of like this one tonight.

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