Wednesday, October 27, 2010


"We travel like the wind across the rotten fruited plain. We travel like the blood that surrounds your brain. Atmosphere has landed, demanding that we raise the curve. Expand the kingdom, all heads of the earth..."

I think I have my answer as to the types of jobs I can no longer apply to. Out of 28 that were to get hired at United Health, I was not one of them. At least now I know why. Its actually is a little comfort knowing there is nothing I really can do about it. That came out wrong- the comfort is in knowing I do interview well, hence me having 2nd and 3rd interviews and just not getting them because of some number. Yeah the number is my fault but I can't fix it right now. Anyways now I just have to concentrate on regaining my Property and Casualty license (just gotta save up for the exam fees, renewal fees, courses/hours fees- the exam itself is easy.)and try to land a job at an Eastwood, Adrianas or some place like that. I don't know if its knowing its my credit or the fact I have been thinking a lot clearer this last week about myself that I'm not bummed and primed to hit a bar. I have come to understand I have lots of outs left. In hold 'em, outs are cards that still give you a shot at winning the hand. I know I still have some...

Speaking of my job status I had promised some car insurance advice- here are a few tips; In California, its against the law to discriminate based on age. So auto insurance companies are not allowed to use age as a factor. So the whole thing about insurance dropping once you turn 25 is not exactly true in this state- no matter what the schmoe at the insurance company you got insurance at tells you. In California they care about how long you have been licensed. So if you were licensed at the age of 16, then yes the 25 yr old thing would still apply. If you moved from New York, Chicago, or somewhere where the public transportation system was good and there was no need for a license and you're 25, not so much. If you first get your license at 25, you will have the same experience rate as a 16 yr old teenager (if you think about it, it makes sense right?) So if you have a kid close to being of legal driving age, get them their license-even if you aren't gonna let them drive till like they are 18 or something. on paper it will count as driving experience even though he/she hasn't driven. This is important because the major discount in California is the California Good Driver discount and you need 3 yrs of driving experience to qualify for it (also no more than one ticket or at fault non injury accident and no DUIs within the last 10 yrs)

Also California allows insurance companies to offer discounts based on your occupation- so if you're an account executive, office manager, lawyer, software engineer, etc... and you're with a company that doesn't offer this type of discount, you might be getting screwed. Normally its the bigger companies, (all state, GEICO, State Farm, Progressive etc.. that offer these discounts). Sorry bartenders, migrant workers, waiters, police officers, cashiers- you don't qualify in most cases.

Package your insurance policies- even if you don't own a home, having renter's insurance isn't only a good idea especially if you live in a somewhat shiesty area, but it could drop your auto insurance as well. You all should have known this one by now.

Double check your mileage- now I'm not gonna tell you to not be forthwright, but a lot of these companies now allow you to adjust your annual mileage on line. If you own multiple vehicles do you really drive each one at least 12k a year? of course not. You split the mileage evenly and drive them both 6k a year right? And if you only own one car, you carpool right? to do your part for the environment? Also think of all the cab drives you take on weekends. Do you really drive 15k-20k a year? Or is it more like 9K a year? You miscalculated the distance between work right? its not really a 30 miles one way. Its only 10... Sure some might end up asking for proof that you only drive so much, but then these are the companies you shouldnt be giving your business to if they arent gonna take your word for it.

Don't just take your agents word for the coverages you need, remember they have to make money off of you. question each coverage and each coverage limit. Or fuck it ask me.

I'm off to the gym, zoo, donate some money to help out with homeless children's halloween party, and have a beer for Jared's speedy recovery. Jared's in the military and all of his friends just found out he was wounded in action. Go thank a Veteran for their part in letting you lead the life you do.

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