Thursday, September 30, 2010

talib kweli & hi tek - Memories Live - Reflection Eternal

" In my lifetime aint too many things better than watching you first son put his sentences together..."  Talib Kweli and Hi Tek = reflection eternal
Train of Thought = one of the best albums ever. In all of music. Stakes is high status. This song just forces you to be nostalgic besides the fact that the sample verse says "bringing back sweet memories"...
Had myself a jam packed day yesterday. After working out I showered up and headed to the Zoo. I am a fan of animals, pets not so much. I rather go see them say what up and then get to go home without the extra chore of picking up after one. How do you go to the zoo by yourself without looking like a complete weirdo? You constantly keep moving. Have earphones on. That way it just always looks like you're a disinterested dad who got lost from the rest of the family. I also go because the San Diego Zoo for all that have actually never been there, is located in a canyon. As such it has a lot of hills. So I went there to get some more exercise action but without the dull gym view.
After that, I decided to skip Balboa Park because I actually spent more time at the zoo than planned. Went straight to Old Town. Had some soup and some margaritas. To prevent scurvy of course. While there another patron who only ordered soda water began talking about the mud run and basically made it out to be the hardest thing ever. Damn and there I am having 4 margaritas. Anyways I get the almost daily text to go play poker- I figure sure why not, but its only like 5 and the game wont start till 9. Hmm what to do? So I text Hugo to go play tonight as well except he has a better plan. Hit up the Padre game. Having not made it to the amount of Padre games I wanted to this year, and needing time to kill I say sure why not. So I planned to meet them at Lolitas which is right next to the Stadium. Place is a mad house Literally no place to sit, stand and drink a beer. The line like usual is out the door. Because the burritos there are rather extraordinary. Happy Hour is also very nice. It was so packed I couldnt even get to the bar, so I just stood in the food line to go ahead and place my beverage order. I was also contemplating eating, but thats for people that aren't on the chew and water and beer diet. So I order 2 pints because I didnt want to wait in line again and head off to find a spot to squeeze into. There was a table with 3 asian padre fans and one corner of their table wasn't being used so I asked if it would be ok to put down one of my pints to enjoy the other one. They had no problem with it. Just then I get a text from Hugo and he tells me I should buy the tickets now so that we dont have to wait in the longer line that forms closer to game time. Damn alright. So I down the pint in my hand grab the other pint down that one, tell the guys who let me use space at their table thanks and head out to buy the tickets. After I purchased the tickets and with the Gonzalez still no where in sight, I figure what the hell I'll get two more before the game so I won't have to pay the 9 dollar beer price in the stadium. So I order two more pints and the same guys are still at the table. Haha turns out they had been very impressed at how I had finished my first round. I just laugh and said I had to go buy tickets so I needed to be that quick. They were still finishing up their beers from when before I got there the first time. The drinks don't drink themselves. By the way this weekend is the 2 year anniversary of that quote. Will need to drink to that sometime this weekend.
Anyways after seeing the Padres had surely secured the victory, I headed out to play some poker. Turns out I had been playing with some guy named Roger for a while without realizing it was the same Roger Jake, Danny C, a couple of other guys and me tormented one year during summer school. Relentless. He is a nice guy but he was just one of those guys that was easy to mess with. I would like to say I don't remember doing anything to the guy- he actually paid me to take his Algebra final for him. Actually like 6 or 7 people paid me. Basically how it played out was that our teacher was a dumb ass and would busy himself doing other things during the final so once I finished my own, I just switched my final with whoever paid me. They would pretend to work on mine and I would go ahead and finish up theirs, make some corrections leave some intentionally wrong so to avoid suspicion. After I was done with theirs we would switch back and I would go to the next person who wanted to pay for this service. Made out like a bandit, made some athletes remain eligible so it was a win win.

Yesterday I wrote about wondering about my family in Veracruz. Then when I got home last night... Bam! friend requests from 3 of my cousins down there. Made my day even better.

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