Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Full Moon

My buddy Stacey has this band made up of mostly his other siblings and this song reminds me of them. Not because he's always forgetting his lyrics and tripping over the mic chord, but just the sound. So much so I have told him I have a song they need to cover- I just keep forgetting to let him know...

Besides french fries, I am also addicted to cashews, anything gummy like worms, bears, gummi starbursts, etc... and watchamacallits- or however you spell them. Some are thinking " you're missing a couple of other issues dude." but really I'm not. The dip is really only done out of boredom and hunger suppression. I figure since smokers usually gain weight when they quit, people who start up tobacco lose weight. How is the logic flawed there? But like I said in a previous post, I'm in the process of giving it up- don't like the notoriety of being a dipper. Plus I realized a couple of weeks ago I found myself excusing myself from the table at Tompkins square to get a dip in and thats right on the verge of actual addiction so I have decided I needed to chill out. I had never done that. The alcohol usually is only done in a social setting. I'm not sitting here typing away downing a bottle of bacardi every night. Or every other night for that matter, or even on a monthly basis. I know youre pointing to pretty much ever post on this blog. Damn it... Hmm. I'll take the terms binge drinker or functioning alcoholic- not full blown alcoholic or alcohol addict. Good Henry Clay type of compromise... (Henry Clay check out some history for the love of God)

I was perusing the reader last night between handfuls of cashews, and decided the writing is subpar. Trying to be all newsworthy and shit. But not in a good way. I think I could be a helluva lot more entertaining. I think what is preventing that though is my lack of grammar or my lack of caring about it. Punctuating, paragraph breaks, " article manuscript" formats, are just so constricting. But really I shouldn't devoid the masses with this great shit, so I'm debating on hiring on an intern to be my grammar/format editor. A la Vandelay industries. The pay wouldn't be much- fries, cashews, gummisavers, dips from my cans, maybe a beer, chicken hotdogs, an autographed headshot, and maybe a cut of any proceeds I would get out of a job that their editing skills got published. Oh and of course all the hip hop they could listen to...

I found my folder from my english class I took in Monterey. My english professor loved me. I remember every- and I mean every essay I wrote she read to the class. I had an A in the class right up until... The required research paper. With its bibliography, keywords, citations, and all the other bullshit they had you put in it. The length of the research paper was never the problem. It was lame that if you didnt turn one in to the required specs you werent passing the class. Again the shit was too constricting. So I never got around with bothering with any of that shit. Funny how years later for reports and audits I had to do for my last job I would easily throw it all on there. But not on a paper I wrote about the band the roots (that's right my research paper was on a hip hop group- add that to my addictions I guess). I remember her pulling me aside and basically telling me to drop the class before she had to fail me. She told me she had loved everything I wrote and that I should pursue it and I just needed to nail down the technical aspects of it. I felt back then, (I guess much like I do now) that I was gonna write how I knew how to write and that I was gonna stick to writing on what I knew. Plus to me it was just a past time, I was concentrating on being a bad ass history teacher- as bad ass as a history teacher could be I guess but anyways now that I do it on the daily I want to give the research paper another shot. So once I get back on track, I'm gonna hit up a community college near you and be that old guy people think is just there out of boredom or is maybe a Johnny Depp 21 jump street undercover police officer type of dude that happened to be the youngest so the squad had no choice but to select him for the assignment.

And if given the topic choice on the research paper, its gonna be on Atmosphere...

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