Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Williams

I just got back from the 7-11. helped some guy complete a purchase. He was short and me having the extra amount, laughed and told him to pay it forward one day. Haha,he just laughed. When I worked at Mobil I initiated my own loss prevention tactic. Back then for some reason Mobil had cigarette displays full of packs out front where anyone who wanted could basically steal them at the first distraction. I would always end up being short a few Newports (in a box or hard pack if you will) and Marlboro lights. It was very easy to distract me- you just had to feign interest in the song I would be playing inside my little cage.
"That Tupac?"
" Naw man its Pete Rock and CL Smooth- They Reminsce over you."
"Oh. its nice"
"Yeah you've never heard of them here let me show you the CD..."
I would turn around and bam- 2 packs of cigs gone.
True conversation.
Well I finally caught on and seeing as it was usually the same cats, I decided one day to tell them. Hey if you don't have the money today, just pay me next time. I became the credit for the store. Soon I'd say about 5 of these guys- some of them I thought would never come back after this deal- would not only come back and pay me back regularly, they would pass the word and tell their other cronies not to be jacking my shit. Pretty soon my cigs were always matching and the problem seemed to die down. These cats would also sometimes be hungry and thirsty so fountain drinks and sandwiches became a part of this. Was this a smart tactic? Probably not, but hey it ended up working. Most of them lived across the street in some apartments so it wasn't like I didn't know where they lived, plus I warned them if my count was ever off whenever they came in, this credit thing would end. I was never too worried about them paying me back for the fountain drinks, but they would pay me back for everything else. There also was the guy who came in every week to hose down and clean up the station. We worked out a deal- free fountain drinks and sandwiches for him, and he would fix up minor details of my S-10. He ended up giving me a truck bedliner once that didnt quite fit, but I appreciated the gesture. Fixed my door, fixed my ceiling liner, changed my oil once- it was a good deal. I dunno I guess I just have faith in people to recognize when someone is looking out for them and figured that would get them to pay me back. These were the type of people that had been stereotyped I figured and having someone give them, I dunno a chance, respect, I dunno whatever it was a pack of cig or a sandwich on credit and faith in them that they would pay back, gave them, was something they weren't used to. One of them would sometimes buy me two 40's for giving him a ride to his night job (I was not of age yet) after I was off. It's funny to me how I put faith in people that normally no one else did and that realistically I shouldn't have, and how these people came through for me and the faith I had given them. Then when it came to the corporate world how I put my faith in people you would expect to pull through for you when it mattered and those people didn't. I guess it's just another example of not assuming the worst in people and not taking people's fakeness for real value. There was even one guy named Fred who everyone hated because he really wasn't a good guy. But even he would come in and pay me back and actually thanked me for doing him a solid. He you could tell have a rough life, so much so, he later ended up taking his own life. How sad. I wonder what if maybe more people had put more faith in him or tried more to understand him and talk to him to see if he could turn his life around. Maybe that's just too much faith to have in people. But it had to be a worth a shot right? Who knows maybe he would have ended up in prison. But at least I guess he would still be alive. Unless of course he would have ended up taking some one else's life...

Well that's all I have tonight. I just figured I'd write cuz like Murs says, If I don't write everyday, I might lose a fan...

The amount I covered for the guy tonight? 4 whole cents- hence the reason why he laughed when I told him to pay it forward. Kind of shocked the cashier at the Sev wouldn't just let him be that short but hey different strokes for different folks I guess. haha don't know if that saying even applies here. haha When in Rome...

The Williams by Nicolay and a rapper named Supastition. Really its about Nicolay's beats. I just found another good one from him and Darien Brockington and I'm putting that one on the facebook. I'm off to brush up on some Health Insurance terminology...

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