Saturday, March 5, 2011

Put it on

Walking Kobe is like borrowing a friend's Ferrari. It attracts all kinds of talent to you although its not really you they are interested in. I got the pleasure of walking Kobe this week as Wes was boarding it up in Tahoe. The Dude (Kobe) is a ladies magnet. Many other of Wes' friends have seen this first hand. Wednesday morning I'm walking to the Starbucks on la Tijera in the Ladera center when a pretty girl comes up to kobe and me, smiles and exclaims
" How Cute!"
I, knowing full well she's not talking about me but the dog, reply;
" Aw thanks!-I can't remember the last time some one called me cute- I think it was 3rd grade..."
she laughs and replies that she was talking about the dog and I in turn reply
" what are you implying- that I'm not cute?" and before she replies I just laugh and confirm to her know I was joking. We then start some small talk about whether I live in the area, does she, and blah blah blah. She ask for Kobe's name and I tell her. she then asks me if I always walk MY dog around these parts.
This is where Kobe resembles that borrowed Ferrari. He's not my dog, but cluing this girl on that little fact might ruin this opportunity. So its either tell the truth and kill it, Lie completely and possibility start off something completely wrong with a lie, or...
" My roommate is usually the one that walks him although I may start walking him more since my schedule has been adjusted at work- how about you do you walk a dog around these parts?"

See now I haven't lied I just did not correct her wrong assumption- and honestly it would be kind of rude to correct someone you just met right? Wes is my roommate and my schedule did change. This is all true. Of course if she would have continued to inquire I would have said the truth but she didnt and thats that.

This morning on the way back from Starbucks Kobe starts getting all playful and is jumping on me, biting on his leash and stopping to stare at me, while we're walking. As we are approaching the stoplight on Alvern and La Tijera, I see this girl begin to roll down her window and looking at us while she is waiting for the light to turn green. She then yells out to us " cute!" as we are waiting to cross. I  respond
"which one of us?" she laughs and responds
"well both of you actually" and I laugh as her light turns green and she waves goodbye...

Put it on by Big L- did you guys know he actually made a cameo in Masta Ace's Sitting on Chrome video? that question was posed to the people who know who big L and Masta Ace are. By the way you all may never have heard of Eminem if it hadnt been for Masta Ace- which is why the double M thanked Masta Ace when he won one of his first grammys. just some fun facts for you all.

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