Tuesday, September 7, 2010

De La Soul- Stakes is High

Woke up around midnight to find myself sprawled on Nick's living room floor. He was busy playing Madden with the Roots in the background. We had switched to wine around 6 and somewhere between then and the end of the Padre game I had decided to power nap. Actually my body decided that for me. There was still beer left so we figured what the hell, still labor day until the sun rises. This all started innocently enough on Wednesday night. I had another interview in LA on Thursday so I figured to hit the road go hang up there till Sunday then come back for our annual fantasy football draft and BBQ. So on wednesday i was actually good and hit the gym and played basketball with Wes and his work buddies. I am proud to say Team Santucky is undefeated in the LA region. I have to say the first games I played in were amusing. I started off at these full courts where some AAs were playing and to my delight, one of them was running his mouth. This one guy was too much- trash talking everyone on the other team. The best part was that he was terrible. After that though, it was a quiet Wednesday night at Casa De Wesley. Thursday though- man. I shouldnt have made the switch to Bacardi and Coke. Friday was the taco shindig in Venice but it was National Burrito day and D and me hit a place called Super Taco. Ate a burrito. This was a tactical mistake. We get there and I wasn't all that hungry. While I enjoy cooking, eating sometimes takes a backseat. Hey I did have an Italian Ice which reminded me of De La's "Itzsoweezee" which reminded me I hadn't heard the album in a minute which led to me drunkenly texting mostly everyone on my phone about its greatness. And now it has me putting the title track of the album on here. Sorry about that. But it should be in your music catalog. Anyways later that night I was amazed at the amount of hours a laptop camera can entertain the masses. Some hilarious pictures and a Michael Jackson cover later and D and me have gone through a 30 pack. That brought me into Saturday, which reminds me that I forgot to mention I only play horse for money. At 50 bucks a letter, I am owed 250 bucks currently as I received no letters. Also got a chance to catch a movie in a theater. Checked out Machete. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Sunday was completely super from start to end. Started off in LA and couldnt get myself to leave on time. Got to the draft at Hugo's an hour and a half late and unprepared just like last time. Afterwards an impromptu party started the cooler had a never ending supply of beer, wine was everywhere, and after a poker tournament it was time to raid Hugo's fridge. Tashard Choice entered the vernacular along with supple and cave baby as a result of me deciding to eat pasta with my fingers. And Kelly's left over steak. And whatever that potato mixture was. Nick and me were commenting on how ridiculous it would have been if at 3 in the morning we would have been told to keep it down by Hugo's parents. Needless to say this was one of the best weekends in a long while. It helps to keep reality from completely sucking everything outta of me...

Sometimes I wish I could write like this...
"Now usually I’m at top of the game
At least I used to be
This is new to me
I can't explain what you do to me,
Moving me, soothing me, seducing me, reducing me down
To figure out how I can go about improving me"

and like this...

"Let's stand on the corner, throw rocks at people
So there's no surprises, written off as evil
I lay next to women that I don't deserve
They like to hurt my pride, while I work their nerves"

but i can't so I'll just quote Slug.

Sometimes there are just days where I feel the need to apologize to the world. Today was one of those days. Sometimes I do things or say things that I shouldn't and prepare myself for the worst possible outcome. Basically that was my day. And just like that I get a text and this feeling goes away.

But just in case I'll apologize anyways. Sorry.

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