Thursday, September 9, 2010

Atmosphere - The Major Leagues

I like doing laundry late at night. Been doing it late since I lived in Monterey. It was probably because thats when you have the laundry room to yourself and no one is fucking with your shit. I remember I would have to cruise down 3 flights of stairs. I lived  couple blocks from downtown and thats the part of town where they crammed a bunch of apartments. I lived in a shoe box. People who came know how small the place was. It had a nice view though. Oh wow a Dres the black sheep song just came on with the whole rest of the Native tongues and its beyond fantastic. Jesus. Lost my whole train of thought. Hold up gotta concentrate on its greatness... Its from Dres' new album. Black Sheep is my old stand by. Its a shame I've only seen them live twice. yeah tomorrows song has been selected. Birds of a feather. In Monterey I worked at the Wherehouse. Of course I would at one point in my life have worked at a music place. Other than the anything playing on the radio and some jazz and classical  people had to know because the clientele there was really into it, guess what my specialty was? I had just turned 21 and downtown Monterey was really where the locals would go because cannery row was such a tourist trap. Anyways I like the people I worked with they were really an eclectic group.. They were really cool with inviting me to all sorts of places house parties, concerts, and stuff. Wish I could see what they are up to nowadays. anyways back to my laundry. I have a system I start with colors, then whites and finally towels. Because towels are the easiest to fold and by the time you walk up and down three flights of stairs you want the easiest for the end.

Man I'm really tired. It probably has something to do with playing basketball on like 3 hours sleep and also having eating a bowl of oatmeal all day. Why only 3 hours of sleep? Maybe because my body got too used to sleeping sitting up all weekend and I couldn't get comfortable last night. Plus I went to bed at 4 am. Its what happens when you're constantly thinking about your current situation- but I have written enough about that and I'm currently not really thinking about it. I have gotten some advice on my resume and I think I need to re work it again. If anyone out there has any suggestions, I am all for them. As you can tell by this blog, writing is not a strong point. Neither is talking really. Thinking I got down solid. But anyways The next part of this one here for tonight is the reason why I'm still typing and not looking forward to going to my room.

So around 4 am or so last night I decide its time to hit the hay. Call it a night from thinking of things that could occur, people I have to apologize to- blah blah. So I go off to my room and decide I don't need covers. As I'm dozing off, I hear a bang. Ok fine. I look into the darkness and nothing special is in view so I say whatevs and get back to trying to go to sleep. Then I start hearing a guitar playing. Acoustic. Off in the distance. Ok. I figure my window is open and decide its not coming from the house. Fyi, my dad would spend hours playing the guitar in the living room, but I quickly dismiss that of course. I have my eyes closed for a minute then I distinctly feel someone or something get on the bed from the left side of the bed. I sleep on the right if you're looking from the door. I try to rationalize its my daughter sneaking in again. Except I don't have my kids. This is not quite where I freak. I freak when I feel an arm go over across my body- a females arm. Like when someone is asleep and is just throwing their arms over you. Now normally that would feel ok-good even. Not when you know no one is spending the night. I haven't moved to even see what this is. My eyes are vice gripped shut. My light is on the side where this thing or whatever has come into the bed. With eyes still close I roll over and start fumbling for the light. After a few moments I get the light on. My bed had been made but the only thing i can see is that the left side of the bed has definitely been disturbed. Not by me. I wasn't dreaming, I wasn't asleep. I wish I was. Incredible to believe? Sure. I'm not sure if I can believe it as I'm typing this- doubt you will take it seriously. And no I haven't been watching any ghost shows lately. I blame Wes' sister in law, Jen, bringing up old man frank on Wednesday when I went to pick up his bag and I told her that nothing had happened in a long time...

I'm just typing now so as to not go to bed haha. I decided I'm not shaving until I get another legitimate interview for a job. It's coming in nicely not itchy like last time...

I also am in full practice mode to try to get back some form for basketball. I just talked about when Hugo Stacey Nick and me played in a 3 on 3 tourney last year at crown point. The highlight was our team name. Man that was a total embarrassment. Besides the fact the referee made our team play skins. out in 2. Terrible.   My post game is not coming along yet- my only legit move is missing the mark still even when I get good position. I hate to bring this up though that I did shoot lights out from everywhere else. Its the music I listen to while shooting I'm sure so I will have to insist on playing with my earphones next time I'm playing horse.

I just texted my cousin about this song and his need to listen to this tune asap. Its from Atmosphere's new EP. as always I highly suggest you all give a listen- attempting to figure out if Atmos is for you on one song really isn't fair to you. I'm off to attempt to sleep.

Oh and I prefer liquid detergent to powder- sometimes the powder gets in your clothes' pockets and when you get out of your car it looks like you just spilled a g of narcotics on your seat. Not good if you were to get pulled over by johnny law.

And I just hit my 22nd blog. why is this important? cuz its in my birthday which just gave me an idea...

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