Monday, September 13, 2010


I have been reading the job description over and over again for the position I am interviewing for tomorrow. I have come to the conclusion that either I am extremely qualified for the job and have done everything in the description or I have no clue what they are asking for in the job. It's not a typical underwriting job- its like a job that analyzes underwriting procedures and recommends new guidelines and procedures. It also talks about monitoring and utilizing third party systems to make sure guidelines are being followed. I have done that as well although maybe not to the extreme that farmers is writing it out to be. They posted this position over a month ago and even though they stated a 4 yr degree was required, I applied anyways because they were only looking for 5 yrs of underwriting experience and I have a decade plus. Yes mostly in auto- some homeowners and umbrella but still. I have been trying to come up with examples of accomplishments I had while at Anchor and I find myself wondering if thats what they are expecting to hear. I also wonder why it took them over a month to interview me. I wonder if its because they did interview people with degrees and they just don't have the qualifications I have in my resume. Maybe it is just an ordinary underwriting spot and they are making it out to be more complicated than it is. I honestly don't know. I am interviewing with the personal lines underwriting manager and another manager. It's kind of lame for me because I know if I had interviewed for this position right after I got dropped from the AG, I would have had all I did for that company and all my accomplishments fresh in my mind. Now 6 months later and many interviews later my thought process is honestly muddled. In attempting to interview for any position under the sun nowadays, I'm having trouble trying to pinpoint what accomplishments they wanna know about. Maybe I should just wait till they ask but then that wouldn't really be preparing. So I'm up typing away. There has to be things on my resume though that made them decide to interview me finally though- I have to look at it that way. And I didn't embellish or glorify anything on it- I actually did everything and accomplish everything I threw on the res. I am sure that if they say they will get back to me about a follow up interview though that I won't get called back so I am hoping they end the interview by scheduling me for an in person interview at the end of it. That's how I'll measure it, because every time some one has told me they will follow up later for possibly another interview I have never gotten a call back. I was once close to becoming an agent for Farmers so I received all of their training manuals for their products. Couldn't find them tonight though. Really with all this confusion I'm not sure how I can be a good interview. I have been applying for jobs everywhere tonight from underwriting assistant to health care, to marine insurance csr. It's tiring having to apply to so many spots.

It's not looking like I'll be making Kevin's wedding in Vegas. Or the golf outing for Nick's birthday. I feel bad about that. I also feel bad about the disappointment I can sense in Lil D's voice when I let him know he'll be going back to his moms after tonight. We didnt spend a lot of time together this weekend, him and I... Need to get off this subject.

I once asked Sofia if she liked Justin Bieber and she just made a gagging sound. Apparently she is not a fan. So I went to you tube and started playing some Jbiebs just to mess with her. She went nuts like she had been possessed by some demon. Don't mess with her Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana though- I'm sure she'd cut you.

Revenge By Little Brother- Beat is just stupid ridiculous. From their last and final album, Left back.

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