Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Dreams can be a funny thing. They can inspire, motivate, long for something to happen, or bring about your biggest fears. Or they can just be ridiculous hilarious randomness. I had a dream last night I was hangin with Sean Connery. He was a typical bad ass. He left me in his house with a fanny pack to watch over. It was filled with amc movie gift cards and tons of cash. So what did I do? I pocketed one amc gift card for myself, and disregarded the cash. Why? who knows. What I find most hilarious though is when one guy tells another guy;
"I had a dream about you"
that just leaves the door open for too many jokes.
a friend today texted me that today. My response?
"I hope it involved a lot of gratuitous sex"
" I also hope in your dream my member was bigger than it is in reality..."
it turned out it involved me grilling up some meat, then making everyone who was there drink a lot of alcohol and making everyone pass out. Once we woke up all the meat had burned...

The city of Los Angeles sent me a free 5 day transit pass since I have updated my address to LA. I plan on using it for a week and take the bus to work. The bus stop next to Wes' will take me basically all the way to work and leave me only a short walk to get to the AAA. I figure why not- I love people watching and it should provide for an interesting week of riding the bus with fellow angelinos. Besides saving on gas for the week- youve seen gas prices lately?- it will be a break from the monotony and boredom of life. It'll be a new experience and who isn't willing to try changing up their life once in a while?

D and me ran into the greatest fast food worker in LA- which pretty much puts her in the running for greatest fast food employee in the world. She was so cheery and happy to be there, smiling, approving of your order and telling everyone how good their meal selection was. She was also out in the dining room asking everyone how their meal was, helping people find seating, and ending all her sentences with "delicious" And she wasn't a manager- just a regular worker. She took pride in her job, disregarding the fact it was at a carl's jr. Sometimes people I know will judge someone for the job they have and in the end its not totally fair. Just imagine if everyone took as much pride in their job as she did- and she was just a fast food worker...

At Carl Jr's. I partook in celebrating Mardi Gras. I had a regular non diet Dr. Pepper. I cant remember the last time I have a non diet soda- something I am proud of actually. Also instead of heading out after work, Wes and I took off for a 2 hour session at the gym. Trying to make it to the 220s for my 33rd...

The AAA had a graduation for us at work today complete with the pomp and circumstance song, graduation certificates, cake, and awards. I had no clue they were gonna go ahead and give me the award for the top trainee in class, and while it wasn't exactly finishing at the top of the class at an Ivy school, it was nice to know that my experience was seen and recognized. I spent a lot of the time helping out the people seated around me- to the point I wasnt on the phones as much so I could help them out. That really helped out in making it through the day, being able to use some of the experience I have acquired through ten years in this business...

Today this girl kept me on the phone for like half an hour- asking me all sorts of questions that were really basic and that I now realized she already knew the answers to. She then went on about San Diego once she found out I was from there. She then ended the conversation with this;
"Is this call being recorded for security purposes?"
I replied, "I think more so for training purposes"
"Well I probably shouldn't say this... but its a compliment... you have a great voice- very dreamy and soothing..."
I laugh, "um thanks, I'm sure its just cuz its such a clear connection"
It was then I realized why she had kept me on the phone for so long.
she laughed, thanked me and told me she would let me talk to other people now...
Ha I don't think that's exactly true of my voice- she should hear it after I've had a couple of drinks...

Tomorrow I start my new schedule; 11:15- 8 pm. so all of you with normal schedules, especially those still at the anchor shouldn't complain so much haha...

I think I have posted this song before on here, but oh well its too late in the night for me to want to go check my previous blogs to check. Dreams by Little Brother. Have sweet ones if you're still awake for some reason like me...

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