Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So how else do you respond to a knife taped to your bedroom door besides pure laughter? Should 30 yrs olds (fine fine 33 year olds) be having this much fun? fuck yes. Plus seriously nothing like a knife taped on your door in the middle of the night to take the dread off Mondays... D Wes and Me also had some wholesome family fun yesterday when we were playing catch and throwing back a few. Haha it was Field of Dreamsesque

I clearly lead the East LA league in rebounding. Its a shame I am also clearly last in field goal percentage right now too. Charles Barkley "Tuurrble" Sunday was maybe the worst game I have played. I dont know sometimes I get so anxious I refuse to play my game and just pass the ball off although I know I am probably the second best scorer on the team. I think I concentrate too much on the missed shots and missed rebounds and that gets me down. This one was weird cuz I started off nailing a three from the corner. Oh well shit is still fun...One of the guys on my team commented after the game that I seemed out of it... Haha maybe it was all the alcohol this weekend.  I also am beginning to realize why the team I am on is one of the most hated in the league. I'll just point out this example- yesterday with under a minute left and us down by 20 (yes it was bad) guys on the team fouled the other team on purpose to stop the clock. Really team? Haha I started looking for the spot on the floor you could make it from that would count as a 100 pointer- like back in the day when MTV would have those basketball contests between athletes and musicians.

The Birthday week was excellent- Started out on my actual Birthday when I got to go to the Laker Game- Actually walked from my work to the Staples Center- Hit up the game with With a C and With a K.Triple OT wins on the birthday are really nice. A real special thanks to With a C- like I told her, when I first got hired by the AAA, I had seen the Lakers would actually be playing at home on my birthday and thought I would be able to gift tickets to myself. But the pay and other circumstances had me deciding not to do it so it was especially cool that the tickets were scored. Friday, buddies from AZ came into town with a special Norwegian guest-man that guy was a character. Friday Hermosa Beach felt the wrath as did the Bigfoot. Saturday was a really cool birthday party- Thanks to everyone again for making it out and to Puya for the Pinata- Really it was one of the better ones- not counting my little kid bdays, I would have to say this one was in the top 3. funny last year on my birthday it was just Nick, Brian, and me hanging out at an Oggis- so this one more than made up for last year's lack of festivities.

quick tips- one Sasquatch is bad enough in one night. Two in ten minutes? You'll end up getting tossed out of a bed by an angry Arab. Oh and don't be bringing up "facts" when I am in the process of telling a drunken tale that is obviously told with a spin to highlight the victimization that was of me, such as;
"he actually dropped it in the bathroom"
"he also threw it at Issam..."
these "facts" are irrelevant when it comes to the point of the story- I was clearly a victim that was forced to pay an unjust deductible, haha.

Phone update! Wes found a screen for half the deductible and so the deductible is a moot point. I can either return the replacement phone, sell it on Ebay for a profit, or give it to Wes so he can upgrade from his inferior Iphone.

Clones by the Roots. 1994 was an excellent rap year.

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