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I fear this here little blog of mine is gonna take a turn for the worse. I need some Finding Forester " YOU'RE THE MAN NOW DAWG!" inspirational tutelage. Which by the way is probably my favorite Sean Connery line. D can have the " I FOUND THE CURE FOR THE PLAGUE OF THE 20TH CENTURY AND NOW I'VE LOST IT!" line. If you never heard D spit this gem out, go ahead and ask him to do it next time. The best worst Sean Connery impression ever. Anyways I fear this blog is gonna go to hell in a hand basket because as of Sunday this guy (thumbs pointed at me) is in full detox mode. Gonna go 45 days. Why 45? because 30 is way too pussy and 60- let's be honest- way too long. So that means no trips to the bar to watch the lives of people, go down in flames, and then drunkenly type on it. This obviously has other advantages than health ones- I mean my finances could take a break from the expense of near nightly drinking, and it has surely come to the point where its my turn to be a designated driver as I don't think I ever have been one. So- BAM! consider me your taxi if you need one.
But this leaves me with nothing but mundane typing left.I am sure I could fill this with plenty of times dating back to grad night when I was Roy "sober grad" Delacruz. I guess I could rehash old drunken stories, such as when I decided to take a leak down an embankment fell and got grass stains on my clothes and tree branches stuck in my head. Then when asked what happened I concocted this story of having been run over by a limousine.
Or I could talk about the time I had just left a bar down at the gas lamp, and was walking back to my car only to have some guy with a little poodle mace me for no reason,
Or the time D, Nick, and me celebrated the chargers' thrashing of the Titans by drinking 2 bottles of tequila in about an hour in PB.
Or the time I went to Pennsylvania for a job interview and came back having been banned from ever renting a car with the Avis family of rental companies.
Or the time I went to a Mike Ness concert in Santa Cruz and got hit on by a lesbian whose girlfriend was there and the girl I was with had to step in before the girlfriend attempted to push me (that was the first time I got hit on by a lesbian, fyi). The girl I was with would later then get a ticket for peeing a public and the other cop who wasn't filling out the ticket and me were just dying laughing about it...
More recently there was the time in Phoenix where I was actually lost at 3 am and had no idea how to get back to my friend Issam's house...
There was the Chicago trip where Nick, Hugo, and another buddy were threaten with Jail for getting outta control on the plane and later when on the way back to the airport the cabbie ran out of gas and we missed our flight...
The San Felipe trip where I never made it to town and just stayed at the rental house the whole weekend...
The many countless Vegas trips including the one where D and me spent the ride back spitting out Haikus on my cousin's stripper/cell phone incident...
The Miami trip where Nick, my cousin and I were maybe sober for a total of 3 hours that weekend and the phrase " Lets go team- The drinks are not gonna drink themselves!", was first uttered (by me of course)
Oooh yes- The Miami tale I believe is the tale to begin with. But not now cuz well I feel like watching a movie and it took over an hour just to get to this point.
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