Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So how else do you respond to a knife taped to your bedroom door besides pure laughter? Should 30 yrs olds (fine fine 33 year olds) be having this much fun? fuck yes. Plus seriously nothing like a knife taped on your door in the middle of the night to take the dread off Mondays... D Wes and Me also had some wholesome family fun yesterday when we were playing catch and throwing back a few. Haha it was Field of Dreamsesque

I clearly lead the East LA league in rebounding. Its a shame I am also clearly last in field goal percentage right now too. Charles Barkley "Tuurrble" Sunday was maybe the worst game I have played. I dont know sometimes I get so anxious I refuse to play my game and just pass the ball off although I know I am probably the second best scorer on the team. I think I concentrate too much on the missed shots and missed rebounds and that gets me down. This one was weird cuz I started off nailing a three from the corner. Oh well shit is still fun...One of the guys on my team commented after the game that I seemed out of it... Haha maybe it was all the alcohol this weekend.  I also am beginning to realize why the team I am on is one of the most hated in the league. I'll just point out this example- yesterday with under a minute left and us down by 20 (yes it was bad) guys on the team fouled the other team on purpose to stop the clock. Really team? Haha I started looking for the spot on the floor you could make it from that would count as a 100 pointer- like back in the day when MTV would have those basketball contests between athletes and musicians.

The Birthday week was excellent- Started out on my actual Birthday when I got to go to the Laker Game- Actually walked from my work to the Staples Center- Hit up the game with With a C and With a K.Triple OT wins on the birthday are really nice. A real special thanks to With a C- like I told her, when I first got hired by the AAA, I had seen the Lakers would actually be playing at home on my birthday and thought I would be able to gift tickets to myself. But the pay and other circumstances had me deciding not to do it so it was especially cool that the tickets were scored. Friday, buddies from AZ came into town with a special Norwegian guest-man that guy was a character. Friday Hermosa Beach felt the wrath as did the Bigfoot. Saturday was a really cool birthday party- Thanks to everyone again for making it out and to Puya for the Pinata- Really it was one of the better ones- not counting my little kid bdays, I would have to say this one was in the top 3. funny last year on my birthday it was just Nick, Brian, and me hanging out at an Oggis- so this one more than made up for last year's lack of festivities.

quick tips- one Sasquatch is bad enough in one night. Two in ten minutes? You'll end up getting tossed out of a bed by an angry Arab. Oh and don't be bringing up "facts" when I am in the process of telling a drunken tale that is obviously told with a spin to highlight the victimization that was of me, such as;
"he actually dropped it in the bathroom"
"he also threw it at Issam..."
these "facts" are irrelevant when it comes to the point of the story- I was clearly a victim that was forced to pay an unjust deductible, haha.

Phone update! Wes found a screen for half the deductible and so the deductible is a moot point. I can either return the replacement phone, sell it on Ebay for a profit, or give it to Wes so he can upgrade from his inferior Iphone.

Clones by the Roots. 1994 was an excellent rap year.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eviction Notice

She was just a little girl
just here a few years unversed in the realities of the world
all she knew is that she had to move
anything that didnt fit in her bag she was gonna lose
but still, she kept the good thoughts
like sunday mornings when her pops would put on the hip hop
and make her breakfast
bananas pancakes was his best dish
a whole day of just him and her
cuz the rest of the week he just worked so hard
too tired and too late in the day for him to go play in the yard
too young to notice the breath he got from the bar
thats why sundays in that apt were so special
so she made a point to wait till then to put on her best shirt
pops always had a funny face funny story to make it a ball
and after breakfast he would always play dolls

but then the smile fell off daddy's face
trips to disneyland were misplaced
and he no longer cooked them delicious pancakes
his love replaced with anger
she would come home from school to strange letters posted to the door
and daddy stopped answering the phone
boxes started occupying her home
the man with the cigar would show up at the door
talking about how they couldnt stay there no more
and her life after that really made her cold
stopped doing what she was told
when she noticed how the man with the cigar was the one in control
and that's how she learned
see she's now my landlord and she once went through it before
so she could a fuck about your story 
if her apts you can no longer afford

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Dreams can be a funny thing. They can inspire, motivate, long for something to happen, or bring about your biggest fears. Or they can just be ridiculous hilarious randomness. I had a dream last night I was hangin with Sean Connery. He was a typical bad ass. He left me in his house with a fanny pack to watch over. It was filled with amc movie gift cards and tons of cash. So what did I do? I pocketed one amc gift card for myself, and disregarded the cash. Why? who knows. What I find most hilarious though is when one guy tells another guy;
"I had a dream about you"
that just leaves the door open for too many jokes.
a friend today texted me that today. My response?
"I hope it involved a lot of gratuitous sex"
" I also hope in your dream my member was bigger than it is in reality..."
it turned out it involved me grilling up some meat, then making everyone who was there drink a lot of alcohol and making everyone pass out. Once we woke up all the meat had burned...

The city of Los Angeles sent me a free 5 day transit pass since I have updated my address to LA. I plan on using it for a week and take the bus to work. The bus stop next to Wes' will take me basically all the way to work and leave me only a short walk to get to the AAA. I figure why not- I love people watching and it should provide for an interesting week of riding the bus with fellow angelinos. Besides saving on gas for the week- youve seen gas prices lately?- it will be a break from the monotony and boredom of life. It'll be a new experience and who isn't willing to try changing up their life once in a while?

D and me ran into the greatest fast food worker in LA- which pretty much puts her in the running for greatest fast food employee in the world. She was so cheery and happy to be there, smiling, approving of your order and telling everyone how good their meal selection was. She was also out in the dining room asking everyone how their meal was, helping people find seating, and ending all her sentences with "delicious" And she wasn't a manager- just a regular worker. She took pride in her job, disregarding the fact it was at a carl's jr. Sometimes people I know will judge someone for the job they have and in the end its not totally fair. Just imagine if everyone took as much pride in their job as she did- and she was just a fast food worker...

At Carl Jr's. I partook in celebrating Mardi Gras. I had a regular non diet Dr. Pepper. I cant remember the last time I have a non diet soda- something I am proud of actually. Also instead of heading out after work, Wes and I took off for a 2 hour session at the gym. Trying to make it to the 220s for my 33rd...

The AAA had a graduation for us at work today complete with the pomp and circumstance song, graduation certificates, cake, and awards. I had no clue they were gonna go ahead and give me the award for the top trainee in class, and while it wasn't exactly finishing at the top of the class at an Ivy school, it was nice to know that my experience was seen and recognized. I spent a lot of the time helping out the people seated around me- to the point I wasnt on the phones as much so I could help them out. That really helped out in making it through the day, being able to use some of the experience I have acquired through ten years in this business...

Today this girl kept me on the phone for like half an hour- asking me all sorts of questions that were really basic and that I now realized she already knew the answers to. She then went on about San Diego once she found out I was from there. She then ended the conversation with this;
"Is this call being recorded for security purposes?"
I replied, "I think more so for training purposes"
"Well I probably shouldn't say this... but its a compliment... you have a great voice- very dreamy and soothing..."
I laugh, "um thanks, I'm sure its just cuz its such a clear connection"
It was then I realized why she had kept me on the phone for so long.
she laughed, thanked me and told me she would let me talk to other people now...
Ha I don't think that's exactly true of my voice- she should hear it after I've had a couple of drinks...

Tomorrow I start my new schedule; 11:15- 8 pm. so all of you with normal schedules, especially those still at the anchor shouldn't complain so much haha...

I think I have posted this song before on here, but oh well its too late in the night for me to want to go check my previous blogs to check. Dreams by Little Brother. Have sweet ones if you're still awake for some reason like me...

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Don't care if the fridge is broken
no detector so your better smell the smokin
hope you gotta a blanket to use as a curtain
so what if the washer and dryer aint workin
no its not a ghost in
cuz some of your things I'll take them as a tip
for letting you stay up in this bitch
and one thing's for certain
if I come into your apt it'll be for relaxin
cuz your plasma tv is bigger than mine
after a day of evicting I need some on demand to unwind
so I'll watch a flick and put it on your dime
and I don't care that you're kids are gettin tall
so you better not be charting their growth on my walls
I aint got the time to be checking the ac or the heat
just be lucky you aint Tyrone and sleeping on the street

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Starbucks in ladera heights.

So a white guy comes into the starbucks- Which even at this location is not uncommon. Except this guy has tattoos up and down his arms,is wearing a Beenie, shades, and has two kids who are wearing premier league soccer jerseys. Immediately the black gentleman on the phone next to me tells who ever is on the only line;
"David Beckham just walked in to the Starbucks with his kids..."
I do a double take just to make sure, smile at the realization that the guy on the phone is wrong and continue waiting for my venti caramel macchiato- yeah thats my Starbucks order on the daily. Anyways the guy turns to me for affirmation, and I just reply that while it look like him I don't think Beckham has all those tattoos.
"But the kids are wearing them soccer jersey from that team in Europe..."
"I just don't think its him..."
And the guy continues with his conversation. I wanted to joke and respond with "what you think all white folk look the same?"  but thought twice about it...
Later on D and me were theorizing what if Beckham knowing that in the AA community he may not be recognized, made trips to inglewood for his Starbucks... Hahaha
Oh and today an older lady with her dog asked me if kobe was my dog. I was obviously honest in this instance... wouldn't want to be liable if kobe had attacked her dog you know? Haha
I'm off to he'd back to the ludus with kobe- this one here was a Mobil post. Just trying to show off the phone...

Put it on

Walking Kobe is like borrowing a friend's Ferrari. It attracts all kinds of talent to you although its not really you they are interested in. I got the pleasure of walking Kobe this week as Wes was boarding it up in Tahoe. The Dude (Kobe) is a ladies magnet. Many other of Wes' friends have seen this first hand. Wednesday morning I'm walking to the Starbucks on la Tijera in the Ladera center when a pretty girl comes up to kobe and me, smiles and exclaims
" How Cute!"
I, knowing full well she's not talking about me but the dog, reply;
" Aw thanks!-I can't remember the last time some one called me cute- I think it was 3rd grade..."
she laughs and replies that she was talking about the dog and I in turn reply
" what are you implying- that I'm not cute?" and before she replies I just laugh and confirm to her know I was joking. We then start some small talk about whether I live in the area, does she, and blah blah blah. She ask for Kobe's name and I tell her. she then asks me if I always walk MY dog around these parts.
This is where Kobe resembles that borrowed Ferrari. He's not my dog, but cluing this girl on that little fact might ruin this opportunity. So its either tell the truth and kill it, Lie completely and possibility start off something completely wrong with a lie, or...
" My roommate is usually the one that walks him although I may start walking him more since my schedule has been adjusted at work- how about you do you walk a dog around these parts?"

See now I haven't lied I just did not correct her wrong assumption- and honestly it would be kind of rude to correct someone you just met right? Wes is my roommate and my schedule did change. This is all true. Of course if she would have continued to inquire I would have said the truth but she didnt and thats that.

This morning on the way back from Starbucks Kobe starts getting all playful and is jumping on me, biting on his leash and stopping to stare at me, while we're walking. As we are approaching the stoplight on Alvern and La Tijera, I see this girl begin to roll down her window and looking at us while she is waiting for the light to turn green. She then yells out to us " cute!" as we are waiting to cross. I  respond
"which one of us?" she laughs and responds
"well both of you actually" and I laugh as her light turns green and she waves goodbye...

Put it on by Big L- did you guys know he actually made a cameo in Masta Ace's Sitting on Chrome video? that question was posed to the people who know who big L and Masta Ace are. By the way you all may never have heard of Eminem if it hadnt been for Masta Ace- which is why the double M thanked Masta Ace when he won one of his first grammys. just some fun facts for you all.

Friday, March 4, 2011


What would you do if it was the last night of the world?

That's how one of my favorite stories of all time starts- Ray Bradbury's Last night of the world. In it a couple realizes they have had the same dream- not only them, but every one in the world. Instead of the usual rioting and paranoia that would be assumed, the couple and the rest of the world accept their fate. They do their usual nightly routine, put the kids to bed, have a cup of coffee and tell each other goodnight knowing they will never wake up.

the story is on the link above- its a pretty short one. I for one would be so sadden at the fact that my kids would never grow up to live their full lives and while I don't think I would have the courage to tell them it was the last night of their lives, I would spend it being with them and would end up waiting for them to go to sleep before I joined them. The biggest fear I have especially since moving up here in LA is not being with them if something like this would happen. Or just dying without ever being able to see them one last time. I am sure this is every parent's fear. OC's song has the melancholy feel I would associate with such a pending outcome. This is one of my all time favorite beats and always has me reflecting on my life. I wonder how all my friends would spend their last night on earth if they knew it was their last night. I know other than spending time with my kids I would want to see all of you one last time and thank you all for your friendship...

Tonight I took D on an easy 3 mile hike (ha well easy for me anyways- gotta work on his hiking skills) so that he could continue photographing the night scenes of LA. I took him on Monday night to Griffith Park where he took an awesome picture of Downtown LA that hopefully will be framed and put on display at Wes' home. I was hoping he would get another awesome picture of the Santa Monica pier, but the view from Topanga State park was a little too far off. So he started experimenting with some other types of pics. Super Imposing me and himself of the view from up there and also of using a flashlight like a pen to draw our names. Those look pretty awesome and hopefully he'll work on them to post on the FB....

I havent post alot lately mostly because nothing remotely exciting has happened recently. Also work has taken its toll not only on me, my gym time, and this blog. Normally when I was unemployed this here would be like my job- making sure you all had some bs to read while taking time off from work- At least I hope it would be something you all enjoyed reading. Hopefully once I get the routine of my new schedule down I will make time for this as I like the fact that some of you do enjoy them if not just read them to pass the time...

I still am working on my side project of one verse songs about a landlord and his tenants- I have the ideas of each verse in my head, I just want to make sure they make some sense and arent completely lame like most of my lyrics. They are inspired from stories I have heard some of you speak of as well as the sites I see daily driving through the hood while going to work. So I will finish it, but again the triple A (begginning to become a really lame place because of their bs outdated procedures, but thats for another time) has also bit into this.

I was happy to hear the wednesday basketball league team won its first game- from what I read it was an exciting game. 2 OTs! I just wish I would have at least been there to offer support from the bench. I am also playing on a Sunday League team. This team fits my style of play a little better although last game I didnt get the ball passed to me on the offensive side. That is gonna have to change because I feel I can contribute on that end as much as I am contributing for them on defense and on the boards. It funny because I really dont know even of the guys on that team- I just show up do my thing and head on home. I gottta remember to take a picture of the mural inside the gym we play at in East LA. It is simply awesome. We are 3-1 in that league and the games have been really competative. One of the games we came back from 7 down in the second half and held on to win by one. Fun stuff really.

Well I'm off to bed since I have to wake up early enough to take Kobe on Wes' Ladera Heights loop walk.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

verses from my abstract

its the calm before the storm
so be forewarned when I step into the ludus
come with a style thats beyond ridiculous
content and sick lyrics
average cats cant compare to it
even some majors be in danger
if they step to this stranger
see cuz I'm far from your average
when I'm not discussing women I'm a beast- a savage
keepin it simple so you can understand this
see I hail from the sleepy  town of San Diego
SD so many would feel free to to step to me
but they wouldn't be able to handle
these writtens proof that I'd dismantle
coming up on 33 but that aint stopping me
still feel young and anythings a possibility
like maybe one day see me rocking an open mic most beautifully
like keith murray oh wait I'm datin
some of you young cats cant follow
same reason why you cant swallow
what I'm feeding you all best be retreating
this here took me less than 3 minutes to turn from thoughts
to ferociousness
dont need the buddha to bless
straight sober- going for 22 days straight
why cuz I gotta learn how to play it straight
and maybe one day make a decent date

present state of mind LA
but still bleed padre blue
in my veins SD so gotta stay true
how so?
See Days go bye when I wish I was in pb
Sipping Double shots of Jameson to keep me from being thirsty
Slayin Dumbasses who dont know their hip hop history
Stayin Down to earth as I unearth their weaknesses
Showin Dudes that its not too late to pick up a pen
Spitting Diverse shit from kids, life, and trials with women
Saying Dumb shit that no one can intrepret like when I'm a
Sloppy Drunk I'm coming out no more fakin the funk
Shy Dick is how you can describe me for my drunken asshole tendencies
Still Doubting my love for home
So Down 619 still the area code on my phone
if after this verse you still don't get it forget it you never will click dial tone

See I walk up hills and come down mountains
theres not enough ink in them fountains
so I no longer pen
I just type shit up as my brain comes up with the content
no re writes this is how I'm ventin
call me lame call me boring
but like usual its with the euros I be scoring
I fall asleep with a beat in my ear
soothes my brain calms my fears
wake up with another line to write
no longer thanking god for that white
its been a while but this blog will continue to be tight
never gonna give it up
like a black key imitation
the one true mexican soul sensation
no 6 pack but I still cause situations
passing me by be crazy talk like you was charlie sheen
and just like that blew way passed  sixteen...