Thursday, December 15, 2011

De La me - Trouble In The Water

If you feel like being nostalgic I highly suggest listening to this song whenever you get to reading this. For me, it reminds me now of times with all my friends-not just when this song came out, but over the course of the last few years-even this last one in LA. Bigfoot, Baja, the whaler, excuse the drunken writing my SLF(figure it out) reminded me I hadnt written in a while and I decided to type this up after a night with her. christ, i have been having to go back and fix the spelling on this shit but i'm gonna stop. anyways back to what i was writing. Oh yeah what was I talking about-good times. I havent written lately because well i dont have a great place to write. my computer is set up on my bar counter in my apartment and seeing as I have yet to buy bar stools i have to type this standing up. why havent i bought furniture? because money to me is better spent on things like rent, my kids and going out with friends in Phoenix. that shit can be expensive.  But I'm typing away tonight standing up cuz its not fair for the three readers i have to be kept away from my spectacular stories.  Everyone by now i'm sure has ex's that they may prefer not to think about, but everyone has to admit that there were times that were great that were spent with them. if there wasnt then you must have not picked ex's really well. this is was one of those times. back in 99 the ex and i lived in Monterey and thought it would be a good idea to buy bikes to ride along the bay. its quite a spectacular view there. anyways we had bought bike and really the reason for this story is because i was thinking of what to buy my kids for christmas this year and had though of buying them bikes. Except I thought back to when the last time i had even gotten one one and rode it. and my mind, however messed up its been since my intake of alcohol since could only think back to 1999.which is i'm sure pretty sure anyways the last time i rode one. nowadays with my kids anyways, kids arent interested in bikes for christmas i think its because there is so much other cool shit they would rather have. We had gone to a mall in Salinas and bought bikes already made so we didnt have to put them together and decided to ride them that same day. They ended up sucking big time as they had gears and i was pedaling furiously only to be going slower than molasses and being passed by joggers along the bike path on the coast. I just remember on the way back to our apartment having to get off the bike because i could walk faster holding the bike than actually being on it. haha this story is not so spectacular, But I just remember the feeling of enjoying the day with someone you cared about walking along a nice stretch of scenery and taking it all in. Its not sadness but just hoping that one day my kids will want to hop on a bike and enjoy such a time. it also I guess makes me want to make sure that whoever i'm with and whoever you all are with will get to have a moment like this if you havent alreay had one. Im not a good enough writer to describe the feeling or set the scene majestically. I guess i'm just hoping any who read this have known a feeling like this- a time with people you can reflect on and say damn that was a good time, regardless of whether youre still in touch with the people you had that moment or not. really i just wanted to post this song up again if i hadnt already which im sure i have since its one of my all time favorite songs. I guess the hope is to keep having these times with the people you have now surrounding you. does this blog make sense? probaly not. oh well i'm tired of standing already and am hitting the hay.

G'night world.

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