Thursday, April 7, 2011

unit C

Paranoid thoughts enter his mental
every 5 minutes he's looking out his peep hole
and he's been at this for days
ever since she left and its been just him up in the place
actin like he don't care plus he has the money to waste
missin work not answerin his phone
when he's on it he just wants to be alone
his life in shambles
calls his friends on some charlie sheen rambles
nothin they can do when they are just holdin the phone
except repeat shit he already knows
"you gotta keep control"
" 3 ozs in a week nah thats not that cool"
"come on don't be this fool"
"nothing is worth doing this to yourself"
"stop for your kids if not for your health"
scared to what must be going through his head
what must be going on in that apartment
prayin that the landlord don't find him dead
and this is when he realizes he really needs help
phone's been dead for days
his blown ass had been talkin to himself...

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